

除左中文自己跟之外, 其他野就係放手俾老師. 冇課本冇考驗. 所以你要接受到呢種學習模式先.

以上講果d 都係架, 我又冇Valerie咁清楚了解點解唔教直式. 我只可以槪括國際學校在學術上會慢慢來, 但認知呀思考呀表達呀character development 就會比local school 做得好少少.



明白, 經濟壓力真係好重. 所以係壓力轉移.

真係個永恒的討論!本地vs 國際


讀國際一樣有人催谷狂補習。(不過你唔係應該睇緊小學部咩?點解睇幼稚園?宜家好多幼稚園都有 “國際” 二字)





咁你小朋友好 fit。

我認識幾個唔同學校唔同年紀嘅國際學生,中文當然冇可能比得上,英文初小講就一定放鬆自信過唔少本地 (呢個年代就可能口語實力相近),但文法意識就弱啲,但呢樣野係去到 Year 5 就可以 “自行修正”,追返上黎。本地就文法意識好強,寫句子係好有系統,可以話係優點亦係缺點。數學我覺得就本地玩得更刁鑽 (可以話 “為分高低所以搵野黎玩”)

國際其實英文最弱都係spelling , 口語文法ok 的, 雖然到year 2都未正式學過去式, 但平日的對話又用tense 用正確. 計數方面, 係慢d, 因為冇操練



本地學生睇題目方面一定強/訓練多過國際。數學題目寫 cm 但答案要寫 m,明明前面做緊 tick cross,第二部分突然換圈圈,每次練習都係 underline 但考試突然係 cross out。作文每一句落筆都要諗清楚,否則改正改天光。所以感覺就好似本地啲學生醒目、蠱惑啲,因為考試需要,但亦因為考試需要,好多野都需要跟足 steps,久而久之習慣左,對冇清晰指令嘅功課會唔夠信心做。


唯一肯定就係本地學生好挨得,幾多功課、測考範圍都同你啃落肚。家長或者老師都會諗辦法追分數排名追呈分升中升大。Portfolio 嘅活動、獎項係諗過度過。國際學校少左呢一份考慮。

K 已經要揀定,中途好難轉

考慮嘅時候可以視乎小朋友合適邊種學習制度。本地小學注重紀律性同academic基礎會比較solid。國際學校有IB、英制、美制、加拿大制…etc, IBPYP 對於學生自發性學習同寫作要求比較高,多project,curriculum 無本地小學咁明確。曾經遇過小朋友覺得IB難掌握,因為太大自由度。
香港行美國制度嘅學校比較少,例如ICS 學習水平唔算最強但係有nurturing environment,學生都好friendly,合適比較內向嘅小朋友。ISF 近年好受歡迎,行IB制度但學習模式偏向亞洲形式,有一定壓力,而且我遇見過嘅ISF學生思考模式都唔係太過有創意。如果你想小朋友中英兼備咁可能可以考慮CIS SIS呢啲。每間學校都唔同,要認真考慮每一點先可以有利小朋友長遠發展。同埋你可以試下了解多啲唔同學制嘅出路可能可以幫你決定。

那看看你識個啲係乜嘢國際學校讀。我孩子當年個間所有同學仔都冇咁嘅問題,以下是我孩子Year 3 (本地小二)要交的功課,就是把一些傳統童話故事改編個結局,那時正值豬流感全港停課,我在家看著孩子用半小時完成了功課,你可看看真正國際學校嘅Year 3 英文功課可以是怎樣的,同埋水平如何:

New Endings of “The Three Little Pigs”

Deep in the woods, a wolf chuckled. His father had nearly caught the infamous three little pigs when he was small and was boiled up. He had been planning revenge since that day.

Now he was going to get it! Far away in a small brick house one of the little pigs was reading the newspaper.

“My goodness! It seems that a wolf has been seen slinking around this area, and is suspected to be heading to this house! I bet it is son of the wolf we killed years ago and he wants to chomp us up for good!” he exclaimed.

“What should we do?” asked one of the pigs.

“Hmmm… we have quite a amount of money. I think we should buy the surrounding area with a perimeter of 90 yards and fit it with wolf tracking devices. Then we can be sure of the wolf’s whereabouts and can plan our attack,” the other pig suggested.

“Good idea!”.

Two days later, the first and the second pig was busy setting the devices.

“The trackers are all in place. You can now start monitoring the area,” pig two reported over the radio.


Pig three, who was sitting back in the house with a flashy PC picked up all the trackers’ readouts.

“Er, brothers? I think you should get back fast. I picked up a wolf on the edge of the perimeter, just 50 yards away from you. I can’t confirm which position he is in, but it is about 50 yards away from you. The GPS displays a few possible positions he can be in and they are all 50 yards away from you.”

Pig one and Pig two gasped. “Quick!”.

After running back as fast as they can, they started checking everywhere.

“I’m about to confirm his position. The computer is calculating the wolf’s position,” informed Pig three.

Suddenly he gave a whoop of joy.

“I’ve found him! The wolf’s position is 78 yards away from the house! It will soon get a bit too close. We must operate the defence systems soon. The pepper gas spray is ready.”

Pig two nodded nervously.

“The wolf is in firing range! One, two, three - FIRE!”

SPLAT! The wolf growled as the gas met his eyes and drove him back. He wondered who had devised this mechanism against him. Although it stung his eyes, he was not going to let this stop him. He continued, trying to ignore the gas as it squirted into his face.

“Oh no! The pepper gas did not do much effect on him! We must try the hot chili sauce!” Pig One and Pig two gasped.

They had expected the pepper gas should be able to make him run. Now they had to try their second weapon.

“FIRE!” The wolf growled in surprise.

Suddenly hot chili sauce had sprayed into his face. The chili sauce burned his tongue and was impossible to ignore. He tried shutting his mouth, but the sauce seeped inside. He let out a roar of pain. More sauce squirted directly into is tongue. Soon he could take no more and made a run for it.

“Yes! The chili sauce has effect on him! We must keep squirting while we use the pepper gas to back it up!”

Suddenly pepper gas smashed into the wolf’s face. Letting a howl of fury and pain, he finally ran deep into the woods, never to try to attack the three little pigs again.



呢位網友好似係之前 EK BK 出現過,然後被封。記得佢小朋友係好醒目嗰種。