
我們是三人家庭(兩大人+13歲仔仔), 早年已申請了澳洲臨居visa(規定住喺某個省份),諗住陪仔仔2024年過去澳洲讀書,順道移民,怎料一直都找不到私立學校(不是一線最勁那些),間間都話要排長龍( 因讀 year 9 不是intake year); 由於個visa容許我哋讀公立學校, 我哋亦考慮讀公校 (亦唔算係一線公校),只要住在該校區便可,已預先email問學校有冇位, 最近多間學校回覆話教育局政策叫佢哋唔好再收TR, 因為收生學額已超出上限。而且現在澳洲租屋非常困難,即係吾容易揾屋及學位。

最近加拿大朋友回港探我, 佢行緊stream A讀書pathway, 佢啲仔女在加拿大讀公立學校讀得幾好, 亦冇好像澳洲的租屋及學校等情況發生,叫我考慮一下過去, 可照應我哋( 我哋兩家細路由細玩到大, 關係好好)。

兩個國家生活環境基本上好唔同, 我們呢幾年淨係做緊澳洲嘅資料搜集,對加拿大不太了解,畢竟移居真係人生一大轉變,大前題係個仔的生活、讀書及之後發展對我哋來說是最重要。

這個情況很難處理,如果放棄去澳洲,我哋唔會再有條件申請再去,加拿大stream A 亦有時限完結,我要申請讀書,我們要在一年內決定點樣做,很煩惱啊! …



我自己住最遍遠嘅nt, 已半年,不過我pr




PR 有地址係入到govt school的, but TR cant. 我個visa要去nsw metro, 已找次一線公校問,都話吾收TR​:cry:

I guess you’re in Syd or Mel. I’m in BNE and it’s not difficult to get a place in private. Probably need to be academically very capable to get into the top 10, but if you can accept top 20-30 there are still lots of schools. I know because I work in schools.

Yes, we will plan to stay in Sydney bc of the visa limitation. We dont target for Top 20 schools since those are selective schools and we are not eligible to apply. We target for rank 50 to 80 schools which still replied that they got long waiting list by private schools and no place offered to TR by govt school. Honestly, we dont prefer to take the schools that lower than this ranking.

Both Sydney and Toronto have their pros and cons. My family moved from S to T 30+ years ago. A lot has changed since then but we don’t regret the decision. A visit might help you decide.

It’s very competitive in Syd and interestingly if you look at the school website, students who top the ATAR mostly have a Chinese surname.

As you’re limited by the visa, you don’t have a choice to move to another state. Hopefully you can get into a school you like!
