HK March

Bilingual information as follow:-

#HKmarch【A Month-Long Festival for the Hong Kong Culture :hong_kong:

Hong Kong March (HKM) is a month-long, UK-wide cultural festival promoting the culture of Hong Kong via a wide range of activities. More than 20 HongKongers’ communities are already engaged in organising the first Hong Kong March. There will be over 45 events across 16 cities covering the history, music, films and culinary heritage of Hong Kong, and over 40 authentic shops and businesses are also offering special HKM promotions, providing unique Hong Kong culture experiences, first-hand.

We hope that you would not only join our activities in March but also bring along your friends too! You can also shop together in participating shops and enjoy the HKM discounts!

Let’s mark your diary and invite your friends to come with you to experience some authentic Hong Kong culture and heritage! Some very pretty HKM Invitation cards and photo cards are available, either by submitting a request form online, or by visiting selected shops.

#Invitation Cards
Send these HKM invitation cards to your friends. Bring along the cards to participating shops in March and enjoy HKM special discounts or promotional offers!

Photo Cards

#HKmarch【屬於在英香港人嘅香港文化節 :hong_kong:

Hong Kong March係一個橫跨整個三月嘅香港文化節,我哋同其他20多個組織嚟緊會係英國超過16個城市舉辦逾45場香港文化嘅活動,而全英逾40間的港人店舖亦會提供不同優惠。

我哋想邀請大家係今年三月,除咗參與活動外,帶埋你身邊其他文化背景嘅朋友一齊參加Hong Kong March嘅活動,或者去香港人鋪頭享用優惠一齊shopping​:tada:



攜同 #HKmarch 嘅透明卡去你所屬城市嘅景點打卡同上傳至社交媒體,令喺英國每個角落嘅人都可以見到香港人嘅蹤影,令多啲人認識Hong Kong March​:fist:t2:




