British National Overseas (BN(O)) route

There have been a total of 160,700 applications for the BN(O) route in the almost 2 years since its introduction on 31 January 2021 up to the end of December 2022.

Between October and December 2022, there were 10,100 applications for the BN(O) route, with 8,462 out of country applications, and 1,700 in country applications. Of the total, 6,400 applications relate to main applicants and 3,700 relate to dependants.

There have been a total of 129,415 grants of out of country BN(O) visas made between 31 January 2021 and 31 December 2022. 105,200 people have arrived in the UK on the scheme since it began. And a total of 24,293 grants of in country BN(O) visas made between 31 January 2021 and 31 December 2022.

From October to December 2022, there were 8,222 grants of out of country BN(O) visas, of which 5,025 were for main applicants and 3,197 were for dependants. 11,000 individuals arrived during this quarter. There were 910 grants of in country BN(O) visas made from October to December 2022, of which 487 were main applicants and 423 were dependants.

There were 271 out-of-country BN(O) visa refusals, and 82 in-country BN(O) visa refusals from October to December 2022.

As expected, since the route launched the majority of grants (63%) were to BN(O) and/or Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) passport holders, with a further 36% being Chinese passport holders (many of whom will have been living in Hong Kong). For main applicants, 92% were HKSAR/BN(O) passport holders. For dependants, 77% were Chinese passport holders, and 21% were HKSAR/BN(O) passport holders.



有錢嘅中國人點會冇外國護照 呢啲咪叫做身體最誠實囉

有錢應該唔駛痴人地bno wo


77% 揸某國護照嚟,英國會唔會變得好危險?

我同仔女係dependants, 申請時揀左中國護照,但我地用HKSAR passport. 唔知會唔會因為咁而當Chinese passport holder呢:thinking:



好似係話如果揀左HKSAR, 佢用app SCAN會SCAN到係CHINESE, 之後就話你入錯


用特區護照一定要填中國藉,遞到申請表去Home Office時會以為你填錯國藉,要refer去咗digital error team adjust,咁樣個申請最少會delay兩個星期


咁佢講嘅hksar 係乜人?

中國,就算入咗英藉,出生地點同dual nationality都係中國



