訪問中阮老師也講解了《Dear My Friend,》與《鏡中鏡》的構思,他在社交平台分享了部份作品令「姜糖」也瘋狂,想擁有這些作品,有人出高價邀畫但老師的回應是:「睇緣分。」他繼續開心畫自己喜歡的姜濤自娛,不過,阮太透露因姜糖們太熱情,阮老師考慮出畫冊跟大家分享,又計劃今年底在台中舉行小型畫展。原來阮老師希望透過作品向姜濤表達訊息,給這個醉心表演藝術的年輕人鼓勵,希望他隨著自己的愛好,在藝術之路繼續向前走。
延續 Good Taste with a Twist ,讓享樂氣氛隨 1664 X 姜濤 The Journey 法式品味之旅蔓延!
一同於 3 個巨型樽身之間穿梭打卡,放大 1664 X @keung_show 聯乘限量版小麥白啤酒的視覺享受!同時從 @rexkoo 的設計概念中,認識姜濤於生活中實踐的 Good Taste with a Twist!
1664 X 姜濤 The Journey 法式品味之旅
日期:即日 - 7 月 17 日
時間:10am - 10pm
地址:中環街市地下 Oasis 公共空間
Leslie Cheung or Mirror’s Keung To? Anita Mui or Tina Leung? Hong Kong fashion icons in 1997 vs 2022
Music and film stars were once the only names on Hong Kong’s list of fashion icons but in 2022 they’re also just as likely to be Instagram influencers
Today, Keung To of boy band Mirror arguably has the most famous wardrobe, while influencer Tina Leung is known for her street style and captivating looks
Fast-forward to 2022 and our sources of fashion inspiration have changed with the times. While traditional artists such as Canto-pop boy band Mirror’s Keung To still have a strong impact on trends, the emergence of social media has meant that influencers have been able to carve out a niche in the fashion scene, with some even rivalling the famous stars of yesteryear.
Five fashion icons of 2022
Keung To
Given his huge popularity of late, Keung To might as well be called Hong Kong’s darling son. The Mirror singer shot to fame after competing on ViuTV’s reality talent contest King Maker and quickly garnered a loyal fan base, who established him as the city’s biggest breakout star in recent memory (his fan club recently celebrated his birthday by sponsoring free tram rides for all).
Aside from captivating the public with his voice and dance moves, he’s also attracted eyes for his fashion. One brand that Keung is often photographed in is Burberry; he’s been seen in a number of its signature vintage check-print items, as well as its famous trench coat.
Keung’s wardrobe includes a range of casual suits and sporty-chic pieces from brands like Salvatore Ferragamo and Calvin Klein – you’ll find him pairing hoodies with suit jackets, cosying up in oversized sweaters, and layering denim jackets over T-shirts.
當大家以為姜濤在《鏡中鏡》後推出《作品的說話》是再深入探討自己內心的想法時,怎料這首歌的主題是「反戰」!如果《鏡中鏡》是姜濤與自己和解,那麼《作品的說話》是姜濤盼世界能夠和解。是次MV 由姜濤自己執導,他的生日首播至今已經有超過七百二十萬點擊,真的十分利害!至於派台成績亦十分不錯,分別在903專業推介、新城勁爆本地榜及Chill Club 推介榜勇奪三台冠軍歌。
阮老師畫姜濤的「10胎系列」要趕在MIRROR演唱會前完成,進度理想,接近完成階段。日前他還畫了電影《阿媽有咗第二個》海報特別版,賀電影在台北電影節首映。他首幅作品是「作品的說話」,接著「Dear My Friend,」、「鏡中鏡」、「Master Class」及「亞特蘭提斯」等。他接受《明報》訪問時笑說為找繪畫姜濤的資料睇到眼花,姜濤好難畫,因太靚仔而增難度。別人以為畫畫好容易,他要做很多準備工夫,重複看姜濤的照片、MV及訪問找感覺,捕捉他的神情與動作才夠傳神。阮老師最喜歡畫姜濤的頭髮,因對方的髮型好靚。
「Dear My Friend,」是阮老師畫姜濤的第二幅作品,也是他最喜愛的,要放大印刷掛在家中欣賞。他說:「全世界人都掛住Dear My Friend,以前朋友間好容易見面,但疫情下變得困難。我看了這首歌的MV被打動,好有味道,我畫姜濤的頸是拉長了,代表他懷念已離開的朋友,銀、藍色是上天的感覺。初時想畫他望著星星,後來覺得寫上Dear My Friend更直接,還有他手上的籃球,因為他們是波友。」至於「鏡中鏡」的畫作,老師加了色彩外,字體亦有特色。