HK 49.4. Where the applicant and their partner are the parents or grandparents of the BN(O) Status Holder, or of the partner of the BN(O) Status Holder, the applicant, or their partner, must:
(a) as a result of age, illness or disability require long-term personal care to perform everyday tasks; and
(b) be unable, even with the practical and financial help of the BN(O) Status Holder or the partner of the BN(O) Status Holder, to obtain the required level of help in Hong Kong if the BN(O) Status Holder or the partner of the BN(O) Status Holder move to the UK either because the help:
(i) is not available and there is no person in Hong Kong who can reasonably provide it; or
(ii) is not affordable.
完全同意,我年年都見到有 NHS 醫生畀 Tier 2 Visa 玩死,人哋已經係人中之龍,都唔係想話留低就可以,BNO 5+1 算係超級賣大包
睇下以下呢單,阿媽做 Dependent 都唔係咁容易玩
" NHS doctor may leave UK over refusal of permission to remain for mother
A leading children’s psychiatrist plans to quit the NHS and move to Australia because of the Home Office’s “almost callous” refusal to let his mother stay in Britain.
Dr Nishchint Warikoo, the lead psychiatrist for child and adolescent mental health services (CAMHS) in Hampshire, said he and his family were being “forced to leave” the UK in order to stay together…"