我預產期12月,想個工人十一月到,佢剛剛完約下星期三會返印尼。請問我可以直接請佢而唔經agent 嗎?同埋依家請工人過嚟係咪搞好耐呢?
如果完約佢點解唔拎左簽證先返去? 佢咁樣返去再申請黎要再還學校錢,你做僱主都要俾多啲。如果佢拎簽證先費用大約4xxx另計機票, 如果返去再申請你費用大約10000
I see. thanks for your advice. I shall renew her visa before let her go back Indonesia. BTW could you introduce me a good Indonesian helper agency?
I just realize that I couldn’t do this on my own. Will find a good agent.
其實依家疫情最好唔好返去啦 完約做文件$4500
She goes back to Indonesia to deal with personal financial matter, and she will fly back to Indonesia on 6 Jul. I don’t think she can complete the new visa before 6 Jul. I have called several agent but they just said “bring her to our office first”.
May I seek your help if you could send me the agency info? Would like to know if any agent can complete the Visa by 6 Jul.