but that still doesn’t mean that my friend’s English exercise shouldn’t exist
同埋本地三大畢業生平均水平又係咩嘢嚟? language competency 咁多定義,你用緊邊個?
以下是我兒孑在小學Year 3 (即小學二年級),適逢豬流感學校停課,兒子在家要做功課,我看著他只用了半小時就創作以下的故事來交功課。
New Ending for the Three Little Pigs
Deep in the woods, a wolf chuckled. His father had nearly caught the infamous three little pigs when he was small and was boiled up. He had been planning revenge since that day. Now he was going to get it!
Far away in a small brick house one of the little pigs was reading the newspaper.
“My goodness! It seems that a wolf has been seen slinking around this area, and is suspected to be heading to this house! I bet it is son of the wolf we killed years ago and he wants to chomp us up for good!” he exclaimed.
“What should we do?” asked one of the pigs.
"Hmmm… we have quite an amount of money. I think we should buy the surrounding area with a perimeter of 90 yards and fit it with wolf tracking devices.
Then we can be sure of the wolf’s whereabouts and can plan our attack," the other pig suggested.
“Good idea!”
Two days later, the first and the second pig was busy setting the devices.
“The trackers are all in place. You can now start monitoring the area,” Pig Two reported over the radio.
Pig Three, who was sitting back in the house with a flashy PC picked up all the trackers’ readouts.
“Er, brothers? I think you should get back fast. I picked up a wolf on the edge of the perimeter, just 50 yards away from you. I can’t confirm which position he is in, but it is about 50 yards away from you. The GPS displays a few possible positions he can be in and they are all 50 yards away from you.”
Pig One and Pig Two gasped, “Quick!”
After running back as fast as they can, they started checking everywhere.
“I’m about to confirm his position. The computer is calculating the wolf’s position,” informed Pig Three.
Suddenly he gave a whoop of joy.
“I’ve found him! The wolf’s position is 78 yards away from the house! It will soon get a bit too close. We must operate the defense systems soon. The pepper gas spray is ready.”
Pig Two nodded nervously.
“The wolf is in firing range! One, two, three - FIRE!”
SPLAT! The wolf growled as the gas met his eyes and drove him back. He wondered who had devised this mechanism against him. Although it stung his eyes, he was not going to let this stop him. He continued, trying to ignore the gas as it squirted into his face.
“Oh no! The pepper gas did not do much effect on him! We must try the hot chili sauce!” Pig One and Pig two gasped.
They had expected the pepper gas should be able to make him run. Now they had to try their second weapon.
“FIRE!” The wolf growled in surprise.
Suddenly hot chili sauce had sprayed into his face. The chili sauce burned his tongue and was impossible to ignore. He tried shutting his mouth, but the sauce seeped inside. He let out a roar of pain. More sauce squirted directly into is tongue. Soon he could take no more and made a run for it.
“Yes! The chili sauce has effect on him! We must keep squirting while we use the pepper gas to back it up!”
Suddenly pepper gas smashed into the wolf’s face. Letting a howl of fury and pain, he finally ran deep into the woods, never to try to attack the three little pigs again.
小朋友 year three, 即係國際學校,周圍全部 input 都係英文
我份練習係 target 比本地一日聽英文都聽唔夠三個鐘嘅小朋友架 wo
這些練習就是練習,小朋友會覺得是task而不是for leisure, 我就情願讓小朋友用leisure心態看部短編小説,然後發揮自己創意去寫小小東西。
你小朋友英文,尤其寫 fiction 極好,呢個我唔會否認
但係好多家長淨係識買練習嘛… 我地都係包裝下
我兒子高小時參加Stanford On-line English Writing Course所交的英國文學分柝 essay, 幾乎全拿滿分,你看完會以為是外國讀緊英國文學大學生交的 essay
我小朋友比較善忘,之前在試前操文法,試後已經忘記,叫佢 keep住做練習都冇用,而家佢有少少進步
其實用咩方法睇家長同小朋友吧,不過我比較喜歡閱讀派,身邊有朋友嘅仔女由小學津校升去DGS等神校,今年未考DSE已有英國 top 3大學收了
簡單來說就是英文(English Language)聽講讀寫的能力
我地反對操練,主張閱讀架 wo
坦白講,我地最最最初係想印呢份嘢賣俾主流學校,等佢地唔好再用嗰啲真係 100 percent 無用,完全唔理 context, 學英文學到好似做數學練習咁嘅教材
當然有衝突啦,做課外練習是task而並非entertainment, 將時間用來enjoy reading 及 writing, 並視之為 entertainment, 成效差天共地,這就是點解我的方法成功,兒子的英文水平比同年英國學生也高出5、6年,這是英國每天為小學生做學能評核的結果,並非我亂作。