Summary: Michael Jackson, Elvis will both sing at the Inauguration. Both will give concerts again. Med beds in hospitals by June. With the New Medicine there will also be herbal infusions availabe. When you have a broken arm, you can go to the hospital and get it fixed for free with a med bed. Free energy unit available starting this year (predicted last year); (already confirmed; Nasa released the patents). No EMP attack. President Trump is still president, Biden is NOT president, nothing he does is legally binding. He is not a legal president of the Corp. America that does not exist any longer. Donald Trump and Melania are divorced. Donald and Diana are a couple. There you have it-cheers. Welcome to the New Earth! Nonbelievers just chill, because we will be vindicated as we have been for five years. Do your research. I offer these prophecies free of charge. If you don’t like what I say, move on. Many people love them. Love your life.