It was reported that to date, 260 global elites have been served, “The deal that they got was that if they gave information that was useful, they could have a better death, or a jail cell for life. Obama gave up Michelle, and then breached his warrant.
(真.陰謀論, 只供參考)
260位知名Deep State早已落網受刑. 供出有用資訊嘅人可以獲得好死或終身監禁.
It was likely that rolling blackouts would occur in other areas of the country as arrests were being made. Communications would be cut off for a short period of tim e. There’s some mayors, governors and judges out there with their names on some of the over 222, 286 sealed indictments filed in federal courts across the nation since Trump took office in 2016.
On Tues. 26 Jan from about 11am EST to about 4pm EST there were massive internet and network outages on the East Coast said to be a cover for Special Operations (SOF) units making arrests of Deep State bad guys.
每當出現斷電斷網, 包括1月26日美國東岸大斷網, 代表逮捕行動展開.
由2016年起, 已經準備超過22萬密封起訴書.
Soon the Emergency Broadcast System would be activated to announce all. The Military would then produce all TV programming for at least the next 72 hours, filled with videos of political elite’s tribunals, accompanied by seven messages from Trump. The networks have already been informed that they could be criminally liable if they didn’t allow the feed to air.
緊急廣播系統將會出現 (呢點大家都預計到).
With global financial markets imploding, on Wed. 27 Jan. the worldwide Global Currency Reset was set to take place. Sun. 31 Jan. was Freedom Day as per Trump’s Executive Order signed on July 4 2020.
1月27日嘅全球金融大跌市, 代表全球貨幣重置即將發生.
Trump 20年7月簽咗行政命令, 內容提到’1月31日就是自由之日’ .
Last Thurs. 21 Jan. two Baghdad suicide bombers killed 32 and seriously injured dozens of others. That was reported to be Deep State Iranian/ISIS retaliation for the GCR being pushed out in Iraq and globally.
1月21日巴格達自殺式炸彈襲擊, 係DS報復"全球貨幣重置"嘅行為.